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Archive for November, 2018

Economic Snapshot – Value not volume

November 22, 2018

Economic Snapshot – Value not volume

BHETA has recently entered into a great joint enterprise with GfK, one of the world’s leading research companies to produce...

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Export Opportunity – Zulily

November 19, 2018

Export Opportunity – Zulily

Our colleagues at the Department for International Trade have recently met with on-line retailer Zulilly The company is headquartered...

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2018 Global Home Improvement Report

November 8, 2018

2018 Global Home Improvement Report

We are pleased to advise you that the 2018 Global Home Improvement Report from Fediyma (Federation of European DIY Manufacturers)...

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Positive spirits at Lakeland Forum

November 8, 2018

Positive spirits at Lakeland Forum

Positive spirits at Lakeland Forum despite challenging times. It was standing room only at BHETA’s networking forum on November 1st...

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