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Amazon Brand Lifecycle Webinar

Date(s) - 09/07/2024
10:30 am - 11:30 am

BHETA are delighted to welcome RT7Digital on Tuesday 9th July at 10:30am to talk about the Amazon Brand Lifecycle, presented by Jack Cooper.

The Amazon Brand Lifecycle is a strategic framework designed to guide brands through the different phases of establishing and growing their presence on Amazon. This lifecycle is divided into four key phases:

Phase 1: Establishment

The primary goal in this phase is to gain traction.

  • Conducting competitor and product research
  • Performing niche analysis
  • Developing and selecting products
  • Implementing SEO and organic strategies
  • Creating conversion-optimized listings
  • Developing a reviews strategy, such as using Amazon Vine
  • Establishing a brand strategy, including creating a store and A+ content
  • Managing stock with a hybrid approach involving Vendor, Seller, FBA, and Direct Fulfilment
  • Developing a pricing strategy

Phase 2: Acceleration

The focus shifts to gaining market share and establishing profitable product lines. Key activities include:

  • Investing in advertising
  • Focusing on market share
  • Continuous SEO efforts targeting competitors
  • Driving up the Best Sellers Rank (BSR)
  • Building brand presence through reviews
  • Targeting specific competitors and products
  • Engaging in social listening and affiliate marketing
  • Considering a hybrid business model

Phase 3: Defend + Grow

This phase is about optimizing and adjusting strategies to maintain dominance. Key activities include:

  • Utilizing Demand-Side Platform (DSP) advertising
  • Managing successful listings and products with day-to-day tactics
  • Monitoring new brands and products entering the niche and adjusting strategies immediately
  • Implementing a variable pricing strategy
  • Optimizing SKUs using visual SEO

Phase 4:Yield

The objective in this final phase is to maintain dominance for high-earning SKUs by continuing to refine and adjust strategies.

This framework, provided by RT7Digital, offers a comprehensive approach to mastering the lifecycle of a brand on Amazon, ensuring sustainable growth and market dominance. 

To register for the event, please follow the link below and if you have any questions, please contact Samantha in Member Services on


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