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Dropship & B2C: From Challenge to Opportunity

Date(s) - 10/07/2024
12:00 am

BHETA is pleased to announce we will be hosting a webinar with Daley Hub on Wednesday 10th July at 2:00pm, presented by Karl Thomas.

How brands can create lasting value by embracing B2C and dropship.

In today’s retail landscape where speed and convenience reign supreme, the narrative that Dropship benefits only the retailer is outdated.

Suppliers, it’s time to reshape your strategy for the better. As the retail landscape evolves, the time is now to amplify your market presence and claim top shelf space!

Join our webinar as we re-define Dropshipping and B2C as critical tools for augmenting market presence and profitability.

Key highlights will include:

  • Leveraging Dropshipping strategically to secure prominent retail listings.
  • Harnessing the power of direct-to consumer insights to elevate product ranges and accelerate market entry.
  • Show you how shifts in responsibility and risk, present opportunities for control and increased profitability.

Discover how to transform consumer convenience into your competitive advantage.

Seize this moment to propel your products from backstage into the spotlight with actionable B2C and Dropshipping strategies.

Karl Thomas

Associate: Head of Consumer Products

Daley Hub Limited

40 Years in Retail and Supply Chain

To register for the event, please follow the link below and if you have any questions, please contact Sam in Member Services on


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