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BHETA connex

BHETA connex is our member-to-member service to facilitate trading and communication within the BHETA membership community.

You could be in need of more warehouse capacity, looking for new agents, or seeking distribution opportunities for your products in the UK or overseas.

Following the recent BHETA member survey a key response was that just under a third of BHETA members are actively interested in switching sourcing back or moving to European suppliers, with 15% having recently done so. This feeds into the security of supply narrative and the over reliance on the Far East for the supply of goods and this may lead to more UK reshoring opportunities.

Members are encouraged to use BHETA connex identify ways in which suppliers are matched to relevant partners/manufacturers with relevant capabilities. If you are looking for manufacturing capability in the UK please do post your requirements and we will ensure that its posted to all members.

It also acts as a conduit to share business opportunities that BHETA is aware of – both domestic and international – and for inter-trading between members.

This is a confidential facility. No information is passed on without consultation with all parties involved.

All BHETA members can add your offer or request to BHETA Connex by emailing our Membership Services team at


Urfic has been a BHETA member since 2017 and their MD, George Linton, is a member of the BHETA DIY Committee:

I wanted to reach out to all BHETA members to ask if there are any opportunities to work together on supplying metal component parts from our URFIC factory in Portugal.

Manufacturing in Portugal, rather than the Far East, can help UK companies with supply chain stability, offer a lower carbon footprint & net cost savings too.

Our family-owned factory (run by 2 sons of our founder) has capacity and we may be able to help BHETA members with any challenges in sourcing metal component parts.

We are predominately a Hardware manufacturer, however we have previously manufactured components or products for:

• Hardware
• Plumbing industry
• Bathroom fittings
• Electrical switches
• Security fittings

As an example we are manufacturing thumb turns for a Euro Cylinder company who has moved away from China due to costs and the unstable world market / supply chains.

I would be very grateful for any feedback or opportunity to meet with your buying team.

Thank you.

George Linton
Managing Director

Urfic~Inter (UK) Ltd


For further information or to add a listing, contact BHETA Member Services.

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