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The British Home Enhancement Trade Association (BHETA) is to hold a training webinar on the prevention of cyber-crime. The speaker will be Arun Barnard, Cyber Protect Officer at the West Midlands Regional Cyber Crime Unit (ROCU), and the event will take place on Wednesday 23rd November at 10:30am.

With cyber-attacks having the potential to cause major damage to bottom line, as well as reputation and consumer trust, the webinar will be an educational introduction to safeguarding measures. It will offer concise 30-minute training webinar on the fundamentals of cyber security, ways to stay safe, how to identify phishing, scams, social engineering and where to report anything suspicious.

Following the presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to pose questions directly to Arun.

Who is this suitable for: this is an entry-level webinar on Cyber Security for anyone who wants an introduction to the topic

Commenting on the event, BHETA’s marketing manager, Steve Richardson said, “According the Government’s policy paper on cyber-crime (updated February 2022) 39% of businesses had experienced cyber-attack in the preceding twelve months, some up to once a week! With an average cost to each of £4,200 for SMEs rising to £19,400 for larger companies, this is a serious threat, and I would urge members to attend this event in order to review their security.”

To register for the event, please click on the button below.

For further information, contact Rajni Kaur from the BHETA Member Services Team on 0121 237 1130 or alternatively, email on


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