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Catch up on the recordings of Make It Zero carbon reporting webinars

If you missed recent Make It Zero webinars, don’t worry – the recordings of both sessions are now available for you to catch up on.

Make It Zero is a Scope 3 emissions initiative led by the DIY sector, developed by EDRA/GHIN (European DIY Retailers Association and the Global Home Improvement Network). With a membership of 230 leading DIY and home improvement companies operating over 35,000 stores in 78 countries, EDRA/GHIN is a trusted authority in the field. Make It Zero brings together retailers and suppliers from around the world to collaborate and drive scope 3 decarbonisation efforts. It provides the tools and network necessary to engage with supply chains, calculate, and reduce scope 3 emissions.

Getting started

This introductory session was designed specifically for businesses in the DIY sector, helping them understand and implement effective carbon accounting practices. Watch to gain essential insights into measuring emissions across different scopes, tracking progress, and utilising data to drive impactful decarbonisation efforts. You’ll discover valuable tools, methodologies, and real-world examples to build a reliable carbon accounting system, laying the foundation for your journey toward net-zero emissions.

Progressing your carbon accounting

This session provided in-depth guidance on measuring and managing carbon emissions across all scopes – especially Scope 3, which includes indirect emissions from supply chains, product use, and end-of-life disposal. Watch now to gain insights into industry-leading tools and methodologies for tracking Scope 3 emissions, setting reduction targets, and driving tangible progress toward full decarbonisation.

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