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Family businesses asked to write to the Prime Minister on Business Property Relief (BPR)

BPR Lobbying update

The Family Businesses UK (FBUK) campaign supported by BHETA continues to attract increasing attention. Following the publication of the Open Letter addressing concerns about changes to Business Property Relief (BPR), the Prime Minister expressed interest in individual cases and has asked for them to be sent to his team directly. This represents a unique opportunity for family businesses to have their voices heard at the highest level of government.

The Prime Minister’s call is an open invitation for all family businesses to write to him directly, copying in their local MP. These submissions should outline the impact of the cap on their family business and call for a review of the policy and a formal consultation. This step reflects the growing recognition of the vital role family businesses play in the UK economy and the need for thoughtful, inclusive policymaking.

BHETA would like to extend our sincere thanks to all who have already shown support by writing to their local MP. As the campaign progresses, we kindly request your continued support in writing a letter to the Prime Minister. To assist with this, we have included a template letter below for your convenience.


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